Sunday, December 16, 2007

Movie Review - I Am Legend

I went to see this movie with a few friends from church (the husbands saw the movie while the wives saw "Enchanted" or just went to the mall). I must say, it was unlike any movie I have ever seen before.

Will Smith plays a character that is in charge of leading the scientific attack on a cure for cancer gone wrong. This cure that was supposed to save the world ended up mutating humans into these perceived un-human zombie creatures (technically they are not zombies because zombies die, then come back to life: thus they are "un-dead"). Since this "cure" was most prevalent in New York City, it was "Ground Zero" for the research to fix the affected humans. This is why Robert Neville (played by Will Smith) feels he should stay and find a cure instead of fleeing the city.

It's not scary but there are a couple of points in the movie where something jumps on the screen and will most likely startle you. It is interesting watching a movie with only one actor for a majority of the film. Will Smith does inject some of his trademark humor to lighten the mood at certain times. I won't go into anymore detail about the movie as I don't want to spoil it for anyone. I would definitely suggest that you see this movie.

Disclaimer: Please forgive this review, as I am not a professional movie critic.

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