Friday, January 4, 2008

I Don't Understand Our Society

I've really been on a global warning kick lately and I'm not entirely sure why. I am not, however, on the same global warming kick as most of the world is. I am becoming a skeptic to the idea of man-made global warming.

It's not that I don't believe the earth's average temperature is rising (because I think that it is, there is proof of that) it's just that I'm not sure how much of a role humans are actually playing. I think if we stopped all emissions of greenhouse gases, we would still experience global warming. It has shown through history that there have been warming trends and cooling trends (think ice age, but to a lesser degree) over the past three to four thousand years. I believe that we are exiting a small cooling trend and starting the journey to a small warming trend.

The American public at large has been force fed this theory by the ever-so knowledge-ful Al Gore. (By the way, did you know that Al Gore invented the internet? Just ask him) However, if you look into the scientific research that backs up Al Gore's rants and raves, you will find that the data has been massaged to give the desired results. The fact is that the results from every climate simulation ever run do not line up with what is actually going on. These climate models are continually edited and changed in order to mimic what is happening in reality. Since climatology is a legitimate science, using the scientific method, other scientists should be able to replicate results based on correct data. Scientist are having difficult replicating the results based on the data that Al Gore preaches as gospel.

My whole point is not to bash "going green." As a whole, I think this is a great idea. I truly believe there are better uses for fossil fuels than to burn them in vehicles (think plastics, new polymers, etc...). However, I don't like the idea of the government throwing money at a problem that we really have no control over anyway (I'm paying taxes, why should taxes go up because some yahoo with bad data says so).

Ultimately, no matter what you believe, it is a theory. Anybody can think whatever they want to. I just want people to really think about what they believe in. I'm not going to believe something just because the inventor of the internet makes a bad movie and says the world is going to die.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What if the globe isn't really warming, but instead they're just making clothes a millimeter thicker each year so you just feel warmer all the time?


Maybe it's not human emissions causing it, but just a bunch of polar bears with bad gas... the gas of course is caused by them eating penguins who have in turn been eating too many starches. In that case.. a penguin atkins diet would solve global warming.